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"Owners with experience agree that once you have a dog of this breed that has the true temperament
of a Doberman Pinscher, you would be sold on the idea that the Doberman is the best family pet you could own. With good planning
and by working with a good breeder, your Doberman Pinscher should be an energetic and alert family friend."
Champion Canadian & American Bloodlines
Outstanding Quality. Workability & Temperment
~ Breeding for quality, drive and
~ Written contract & health guarentee.
~ Character, personality PLUS
~ A small breeding kennel where
passion meets commitment.
~ Breeder owned, trained and handled.
Breeding for quality NOT quantity. Most of our dogs go to homes as family
companions and I'm just fine with that. I hope nothing more, than each of our dogs are in loving, caring environments
and live long, healthy lives.